A Friendship WordArt Freebie, Merry Merry Kit and a Christmas Charity
>> Thursday, December 4, 2008
Before anything else, I'd like to say thank you to those who have downloaded my freebie and taken the time to give thanks, your comments are sweet words of inspiration! Hugs!!!
Yesterday, I had the opportunity to meet up with a good friend I had not seen in months, almost a year in fact. She had just given birth to a baby boy on my birthday November 18 and named him Rafael, just like the baby I had lost to placenta abruptia almost four years ago. She even calls him Rafa, just the way I would have called my son, had he been born. What a coincidence huh? She's making me Godmother :) This friend of mine is that type of friend whom I don't see very often, but when we do get together it almost always is like we never left off and always end up having a great time talking and keeping each other updated on the events of our lives. It was fantastic seeing her again!
I have a lot of friends like these, we don't see each other a lot - maybe because of geography, sometimes because we now move in different circles or we are just too busy with our families and lives, but when we do see each other again, it always feels like coming home, like years apart do not matter at all. It is a good feeling to have and I feel grateful to still have them in my life. Each one of them have touched my life in countless different ways, each coming into our lives at a time when our lives call for them to be there. Not always present but altogether around. They are our sheltering trees and we should count ourselves lucky to have one or to be one.
In honor of friendship, here is a little WordArt Freebie for you to use with your friendship pages. I have also included my very own hand-drawn doodle tree so you may use it in your other layouts. PU/S4O/S4H only please. Do send me a copy of your layout, I want to see how you used it :)
You may get it here.
If you are still with me, I hope you would take time to read this flyer I created for our yearly family sponsored charity. The family has already come up with 6,000 bags to give away to the street children this Christmas (packing day was about 2 weeks ago, pictures posted below) My aunt Agnes who spearheads this project has done an awesome awesome job! Kudos to her for continuing to do this all throughout the years. I did not get to attend packing day this year because I had to watch shop but I'm hoping that by putting this out there I will be able to generate a little more something for the cause. There is still more that needs to be done and we are still soliciting funds and items to be given away.
I'll be putting a donate button on my sidebar for the month of December and hope you will be able to spare a dollar or so, all proceeds will go to the cause and will help make countless street children happy this Holiday season.
Here is the Christmas letter:
I can't seem to figure out why the resolution is so blurry when I have saved it to the highest Jpeg, anyway, you may download the PDF version of the letter here so you can read it: Christmas Charity Letter
Here are the photos from the packing day:
Awesome right? Please don't forget to click on the Donate button below or on the sidebar for whatever little you may want to give to this cause. Just picture those little children's faces receiving something they least expect, isn't that enough to make you smile too?
Just click here to donate for the drive
Wow, you've read this far down? Thank you for looking at the photos (and maybe clicking on the donate button?) LOL! I'm shameless aren't I? But its all for a good cause, and I don't mind being shameless for this cause :)
Because you have come this far, you deserve another Freebie! I'm giving away the paper pack for my Christmas Kit called "Merry Merry"!
Merry Merry Preview

Paper Pack Preview

You may download them here:
Patterned Sheets 1
Patterned Sheets 2
Patterned Sheets 3
Grungy Solids
I will be giving away the elements and alphas over the next few days, so stick around! Have a gorgeous day ahead of you.
You sound like a very sweet gal so i don't doubt your friendships last. How lovely your friend is having you as Godmother for her little one.
I've downloaded the Friendship tree for which I thank you sincerely, I'll download your Christmas kit later.
A bit early I know but I wish you and your family a beautiful and safe Christmas
Bless you and your family for making this special project happen! Thank you for sharing your beautiful work amidst all the other Christmas "necessities."
Thank you for the beautiful tree! I can't wait to use it someday!
those charity gift bags are going to be wonderful. How great for your family to do that! Thank you for the freebies, too!
gorgous paper! thank you so much!
Thanks for the beautiful kit, your work on the gifts for the sweet street kids and for your blog! I too lost a little boy to placentia abruptia - what a neat happening to meet your friend's baby and be able to connect to him like that! My little guy's name was Zachary and everytime I meet a child named Zachary, it makes my heart happy!!
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