>> Thursday, January 24, 2008
I am in a whirlwind of thought, activity, feelings, emotions...my scrapping seems to embody my thoughts, "altered art", is what they call it, so apt for the altered life I am about to embark on. I am a bucket of anticipation for the so called Future. Today, I started putting my life into a box, one box today, that is all I was able to take. I did not think that I would be overwhelmed but that is how I felt. I could not continue. It just seems so trite and contrary, how could you put all those you cherished in a box? So many things I thought was important and could not let go of will have to go. Just like that.
Its not moving to another house, its moving to a whole new country and a whole new way of life. Throwing away all my security blankets. Being away from loved ones and friends. My children, my life partner...to capture a dream I have tried to hard to say no to and so many opportunities lost. It is time to say "Yes". And I thought yes was easy, but it is not. I pray for the strength, the steady vision, and the love that will pull me through all this.
I feel humbled and pensive and yet I know I will make it, I always have, no ifs, no buts.
Carpe Diem!
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