Happy New Year everyone!!! May all your dreams come true this year!
2011 comes to me with so much hope for the future. I am excited...no ecstatic, to start the new year with all my goals mapped out and to watch them come to fruition. 2011 is my year!! I lay claim to it.
2010 ushered in the birth of my creative business. It was a time I said, yes, I am ready to make this my life, I am ready to take that leap, I am ready to fly! The latter part of 2010 was really busy and I am thankful for all the blessings that came my way and continue to come my way as I greet the new year.
I'd like to honor 2010 with a photo collage of the year that was in Indy art :)

I have learned so much the past year as I explored, experimented and dove into actually doing a life long dream of painting onto canvas. I learned not to be afraid of handling water color, drawing faces...of actually drawing again! I learned to stop comparing my work to that of others. I learned not to be afraid of making mistakes. I know my art is still evolving and I still have to learn how to do other things, use other materials, learn techniques....
All in God's good time.
I want to thank especially the people who were instrumental in my phenomenal growth as an artist...
My family and loved ones, you were my backbone - your incessant belief in me and unending support has enabled me to sprout my wings - you all know how much I love you.
My beloved friends, old and new - your constant encouragement, sound advice and help have helped push me from just wishing I could do this to really doing it - thank you, you are God-sent.
My online friends, soul sistahs, buddies, co-flying artists, followers, readers - you are all sources of endless, endless inspiration to me. I would not have the courage to be here without you. Thank you for being there, leaving comments, telling your stories, sharing your art, sharing your heart.
My most valued clients - thank you for believing in my art, loving what I do, trusting that you will love what I create and continuously coming back for more. Thank you for keeping my dream a reality. I truly am blessed.